Once again, a look at the cover to an upcoming issue of the Kaboom Peanuts comic book. This is issue 16, which is supposed to land in your laps in February. I rather like this cover, based on a panel from the strip, because it’s a gag that’s funny now …
I had missed that IDW was showing around this sample page of the upcoming Peanuts Artist’s Edition, which reproduces strips directly from the original art. While doing this for a typical comic book story is quite straightforward, allowing one to create pages that are the size of the original art, …
Coming in April is Alice in Comicland, a collection of Alice in Wonderland imagery and stories crafted by some of the biggest names in comics… and even though you won’t see this fact on the Amazon page as it now exists, it includes work by Charles M. Schulz himself, which …
Folks who have been reading the AAUGH Blog for a while will recognize the basic shape of this post. I run something like this most years. If it seems to be coming a little early this year, that’s because the holidays actually start early this year. That’s right, Chanukah actually …
I stopped by the local Noah’s Bagels (which I believe is the same chain as Einstein Brothers) this morning, and the counterstaff were wearing shirts that said Happiness Is A Warm Bagel on the back. The “Happiness is a Warm Puppy” concept still resonates like a recent Internet meme, half …
I have fallen behind in blogging the coming Peanuts issues, but could not resist blogging this one, issue 15′ coming in January.. both because the cover is lovely, and because the issue will have not one but two of my stories in it. In fact, the issue’s solicitation reads: No …
Fantagraphics has been successful in their Kickstarter, raising the $150,000 they were using to bridge their financial shortfall. However, they’re still open for more donations so that they can better move other projects forward (the next is hiring new translaters for the books which would’ve been translated by the late …
The Complete Peanuts volumes are showing up as part of Amazon MatchBook program. What that means is that if you buy (or at any time have bought), say, The Complete Peanuts volume 1 from Amazon, they will now sell you a digital copy (for your Kindle device or Kindle reader …
These days, it is rare for a magazine to reach 100 issues, but Bowlers Journal International far outstrips that; they have been publishing for a hundred years. To celebrate, they have out an extra thick 300 page anniversary issue with all sorts of features… Including two pages on Schulz and …
Lest anyone fear that the preceding announcement regarding financial struggles at publisher Fantagraphics will delay or scuttle the publication of the first volume of Peanuts Every Sunday, this picture should allay your fears. The books have been printed, and should be shipping soon. And how is the book? Well, it’s …