Coming in September is Be Joyful, another book in the Peanuts Wisdom To Carry You Through series. And with that, we are now up to eight books and one box set coming out in September. Goodness only knows what next year will look like, with the added weight of the …
Coming in September is Peanuts: a Scanimation Book. Okay, so what’s “scanimation”? Actually, it’s pretty cool. These books are slightly mechanical (as, say, a pop-up book is). When you turn a page, a clear sheet with bars printed on it is pulled across a graphic below it, causing some animation. …
The solicitation for issue 18 of the Kaboom! Peanuts comic book is out: All Sally wanted was to return to school and continue where she left off. Nobody told her that every single year she would have to break in a whole new set of teachers! How can she progress …
Peanuts buffs are likely aware of Creative Associates, which is the Charles Schulz studio operation that generates material and approves licensed goods. I’ve only just now for the first time heard about Creative Associates International., an unrelated global services organization that has sometimes been accused of being a CIA front. …
Coming in October is Peanuts Volume 4, the fourth collection of the Kaboom! Peanuts comic book. This will cover issues 9 through 12, which means that it will have three stories written by Yours Truly. It’s preorderable now, of course.
(Click through on any to order from Amazon Japan, if you can.)
According to supposed-to-be-secret documents grabbed up by the Washington Post, the US Postal Service has a Peanuts stamp in development for 2015. That year has, I feel, a little extra clue to the likely content. Yes, it’s the year that the movie comes out (and the post office has seemed …
We’ve got the first look at four upcoming covers (the first three Little Patriot books – those are the ones with the very modeled Tom Brannon look, provided by Tom Brannon – and one AMP! For Kids strip collection.) Click on them for the books themselves, all available for preorder.
I just got my author’s copies of issue 16 of the Peanuts comic book, published by Kaboom! My contribution is a mere three pager, but I am quite happy with what Robert Pope did with the art (and Lisa Moore’s colors are quite kickin’!) This should be landing in your …
Okay, you regular readers know that my interest is Peanuts books, foreign as well as domestic. And you know that my madness is book editions of A Charlie Brown Christmas. Up until now, the “foreign” part of my interest had not collided with the madness. As far as I could …