I just got a statement from Amazon that my copy of Peanuts Artist’s Edition will be shipping… sometime between August 4 and October 1. That seems very odd for a book that has already printed (perhaps they got confirmation of a second printing?) Now I won’t be sure what to …
Coming next March: Peanuts volume 5, which if they’re going by schedule, should collect issue 13-16 of volume 2 of the Kaboom Peanuts comic book… and thus have three stories that I wrote (“Joe Stockcar”, “Press Here”, and “New Shoe Zoom”) Remember, you can see my full list of upcoming Peanuts …
Coming in March of 2015 is Snoopy’s Happy Day, a finger-puppet book (which I assume means a book with a finger puppet built in, rather than a book accompanied by a finger puppet or a book about making finger puppets.) It’s aimed at age range 1 and up, reading level preschool …
The latest addition to the AAUGH.com Reference Library is Toothbrushing with Charlie Brown. This is a less common piece of Peanuts animation, one of two short films that were created for the American Dental Association. So now I own a copy. I don’t have a film projector, though, so what they …
So among the emails I’ve been getting from you fine AAUGH Blog readers has been the question of what’s up with that copy of the Peanuts Artist’s Edition that I ordered from Amazon? Alas, I do not know. Here’s what I can tell you: None of the copies of the …
Hey, this Friday at the Schulz Museum, Peanuts comic book artist Robert Pope will be signing comic books and doing sketches. Robert did a beautiful job drawing a couple of my scripts – the New Shoe Zoom one in issue 16, and the one where Sally really does not want …
Yes, yes, there are still several more volumes of Complete Peanuts to go before the set is, well, complete. What you see here is the preliminary cover for volume 23, which is now available for preorder. It’s not the cover which we were told at one point we’d get on …
The comic book store distributor Diamond has the Peanuts Artist’s Edition on this coming week’s shipping list. That indicates that it is already in their warehouse and is being boxed up now to go out. So it really should hit those comic shops that ordered it (which will be far from …
Appearing in better comic book stores tomorrow and already winging its way to folks who preordered it from Amazon (where you can still order it at a good price is the new Peanuts graphic novel The Beagle Has Landed… and here, for your previewing pleasure, is a full ten story pages …