
Snoopy was never one to chase cars anyway

According to this KPBS report, California has gotten orders for about 4800 Snoopy license plates, but needs 2700 more before they’ll start production, and this process frequently takes a couple years. I’ve got my order in!

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Upcoming releases

Changing schedules

The following upcoming books have moved on the schedule: Be Awesome, a gift book in the Peanuts Wisdom To Carry You Through series, has been moved back to next March. The kiddie books It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and You Got a Rock, Charlie Brown, pushed back to next …

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This weekend’s radio show “Off-Ramp”, on the acclaimed Southern California public radio station KPCC, has a piece where they talk to Harriet Glickman, the woman inspired Schulz to add racially integrate the strip, along with Ken Kelly, who helped her on the campaign. But don’t hop in the car now …

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Schulz/Peanuts news

A stage version of Schulz

Ah, the things you stumble on when looking for someone else. Apparently, someone’s written a stage play on Schulz’s life, and they staged it last month in Rhode Island. There’s a review of The Man Who Saw Snoopy here.

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Animated Peanuts

50 Years Of ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’

Here is some NPR coverage of this being the 50th consecutive year of airing A Charlie Brown Christmas. They have Jeannie Schulz and Lee Mendelson and some archival material of Schulz himself. The special airs tonight, the first of its two airings this year.

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Dodged a bullet

The Peanuts book editor who is deserving a little extra bonus right about now is whoever said, for this year’s April re-release of Peanuts Guide to Life, “hey, that first edition had a foreword by Bill Cosby, and he’s still popular and all, but maybe we should replace that with one …

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Peanuts movie availability

For folks with subscriptions to HuluPlus, the first two Peanuts films, A Boy Named Charlie Brown and Snoopy Come Home, are now available for viewing on that service. As for the other two movies, they’re both apparently coming out on DVD in the coming year. notes that Race for Your Life, Charlie …

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got myself a gifty!

Yes, yes, I gave in and paid eBay prices for one of these, after spending months looking for one in the wild.

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New releases

Far better than those cuddleproofed Snoopys

I like to believe I’m great at catching Peanuts-related books that go through normal book distribution channels, and pretty good at spotting ones that go outside of those channels… but sometimes, one eludes me. That’s the case with the book Best Friends. No, no, not the book Best Friends that came bundled …

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Animated Peanuts

The Peanuts movie cast

Here’s the Today Show piece they aired yesterday introducing the new Peanuts voice cast, after some light chat with Craig Schulz and producer Paul Feig. Yes, it is appropriately a cast of kids again. (Not seen of course is the one adult, the late Bill Melendez, whose voice work is being reused …

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