This fall’s A Charlie Brown Religion: The Spiritual Life and Work of Charles M. Schulz is now available for preorder. Remember, by preordering, you lock in Amazon’s lowest price between now and when the book comes out.
I’ve got some covers for this year’s Christmas editions for you. Here’s the slipcase for the deluxe slipcase edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas, fairly low priced for something being pushed as a Deluxe Edition. If the art looks familiar, yes, you’ve seen this art used again and again in recent …
This is Snoopy’s Happy Day, a “puppet book” – a board book with a built-in basic puppet. More interior images are available if you click through.
Added to the increasingly insane fall schedule of Peanuts book releases is two more board books, both part of a My First Peanuts series. Both ABC and Hide-and-Seek are schedule to ship in November, but can be preordered now. This means there’s at least 42 books slated to come out between September and November of …
As both a Schulz specialist and a general comic book guy, one item that I’ve long wanted is Is This Tomorrow? America Under Communism, a 1947 comic book published by the same folks who put out Topix, the Catholic comic book which Schulz provided lettering and cartoons for. He also had a …
There is a scene in one of my favorite comic book series of all time, ‘Mazing Man, in which one of the characters sees his friend, Guido, working in a shoe store, then later that day, sees him working in a different shoe store. When Guido is confronted with the accusation …
I’m pretty sure that some of you will rather like this image that author Stephen Lind just shared of the cover for A Charlie Brown Religion, which comes out in November. It’s probably the book that I’m most looking forward to among Peanuts books that don’t have my name on the …
Joining the long list of upcoming Peanuts books are a quartet of board books for the folks with little hands. Snoopy’s Book of Words, Snoopy’s Book of Shapes, Snoopy’s Book of Numbers, and Snoopy’s Book of Colors are all due in October. A couple of these (shapes and colors) are titles that were used on …
Here is the first batch of pages for issue 27 of the Peanuts comic book, hitting supportive comic book stores this coming Wednesday. It’s another just-one-story-in-the-issue issue.
The line of American Kindle versions of the old British Snoopy Stars/Snoopy Features books, which is launching with four books later this month is following with four more in May. Snoopy, Master of the Fairways Snoopy, Man’s Best Friend Snoopy, the Music Lover Snoopy, the Flying Ace