The plans for this were announced so far back that I was beginning to think that the project had been scuttled, but now you can buy your kids (yeah, right, your kids; me, I’ll be buying them for myself!) personalized Peanuts books. Alas, they’re not very personalized; your “child’s” name …
Had an odd experience last night during my appearance at Pasadena’s ArtNight. There was a girl, maybe 9 or so, looking through one of my books about Peanuts, and she has told me she has eight or nine “Snoopy books”. She sees a picture of Schroeder and says how she …
I’ve got three new Peanuts books sitting here waiting for review, but with preparations for my appearance tonight at the Pasadena Library, I’ll not get to them today. But last night I by chance managed to get my hands on a copy of the upcoming Peanuts: A Tribute to Charles M. …
The latest in the stream of Peanuts books landing themselves on my doorstep flew over here form England. The Bumper Book of Peanuts is a 400 page strip collection, hardcover (no dust jacket), about 9 inches square. The strips are organized by theme, 45 chapters on things ranging from Ice Cream to …
‘Tis the season for publishers to be publishing their spring catalogs, and two more Peanuts books have shown up on the radar. Peppermint Patty Goes to Camp – alas, it’s unlikely that this storybook aimed at 5-7 year olds will be doing the story where Peppermint Patty went to a …
For those of you in the greater Los Angeles area, I will be appearing at Art Night Pasadena this coming Friday, October 9. Art Night is a pretty cool deal, with all kinds of performances and display taking place around the town. I’ll be at the Pasadena Library, 6 PM …
Coming next spring: two board books (or at least that’s how they’re listed now, although they are also listed at 24 pages, which is long for a board book): Cool Like Snoopy and Messy Like Pigpen. a storybook: Kick the Football, Charlie Brown!, illustrated by Scott Jeralds.
Now available for pre-order is volume 5 of the paperback edition of The Complete Peanuts. This volume covers the years 1959 and 1960, and features an introduction by Whoopi Goldberg.
I’m back from the post office with my first two books of A Charlie Brown Christmas postage stamps. And yes, they count as books, or at least pamphlets; they’re designed to be folded down (you peel off the thin stickers that have the copyright information that’s between the blocks of …
Sixty-five years ago today, paperboys were hitting doorsteps with newspapers that included the very first Peanuts strip. Folks who read about Good Ol’ Charlie Brown (“How I hate him!”) probably hadn’t a clue as to how old he would become. And let’s think about that age for a bit. We still …