Apparently, last month, rock legend Prince included “Linus and Lucy” in his set list. That’s a recording I’d love to hear.
Word has come out that David Liverett died on Friday at the age of 72. His contribution to Schulz scholarship was his book They Called Him Sparky, an oral history book on Schulz’s involvement in the Church of God. This was a book that I reviewed favorably when it came out, …
Kindly deliveryman has brought me two books in the [blank] Like [character] series, Messy Like Pigpen and Cool Like Snoopy. Now, when I review a book, I try to do it with consideration as to who the target market is… but in this case, I’m really not sure. These are board books, so …
Coming up this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Now, usually when I wax rhapsodic about this annual event, I’ve had some free Peanuts-inclusive comic book to steer you toward at your local comic shop, but not this year. With the KaBoom Peanuts series about to draw to a close, they’re …
This is the sort of thing where I’ve had news I wanted to share, but couldn’t (or at least shouldn’t) until everything was ready – but now it is! Back in 1964, Charles Schulz illustrated a book of kids’ letters to the then-new president, Lyndon Johnson. The letters had been …
An alert reader let me know that the cable TV network Boomerang is now advertising the date that they will start showing the new Peanuts shorts that were made in France. It’ll be May 9. These shorts are adaptations right from the strip, and there will be a lot of …
So I have, in my hot’n’handsome li’l hands, a copy of The Complete Peanuts volume 25, collecting the final year-and-a-little of the newspaper strip, which is a good thing to have but not exactly hard to have come by before. But this is filled out with two other items of note: a …
It’s known that cartoonist Al Plastino was once hired to produce some Peanuts strips to be kept on file, even if there was some disagreement between Plastino’s recollection and other reasoning as to when this took place. Despite rumors that these strips were destroyed, a few have seen print in …
Coming in November is Peanuts and Philosophy, a book of twenty essays exploring philosophical matters in or through Peanuts. I’d be a bit more excited if at this point this wasn’t an industry, doing “and Philosophy” books on any pop culture phenomenon. (Just as examples, the two editors of this have …
A couple big pieces of news regarding the Peanuts projects that have been part of the Kaboom! line. Peanuts: A Tribute to Charles M. Schulz, their collection of Peanuts stories, tributes, and parodies, is nominated for an Eisner Award (the “Oscar of comics”) for best anthology. (It’s not the only …