First off, let me apologize for the large gaps between posts here. The Peanuts-y part of my brain is focused on a possible future project, which it’s obviously to soon to be talking about and the time may never be right. Between that project and trying hard to …
Charlie Brown, you have been making love to my sister for quite a while, an’ if you let me go now, I will consent. From Fun in a Post Office: A farce in one act, by E. Henri Bauman, 1888
“I won’t marry Charlie Brown–never–and it’s very cruel in you to say anything about it!” interrupted Kitty, with flashing eyes, but with a great tremble in her voice. “I will never marry anybody!” “But Katherine Forrester, Charlie Brown loves you!” “I don’t care if he does.” “And you love him.” …
On Wednesday, September 7, 1887, a horse named Charlie Brown, owned by one H.P. Brown, came in third place at a race at the annual fair for California’s Seventeenth Agricultural District, consisting of Placer and Nevada County. This would have been more impressive had there been more than three horses …
Found another Charlie Brown of history. In 1875, Charlie Brown and his brother Derry, as well as some other individuals, were accused of rounding up fellow African Americans in order to kill the white men of Mississippi. This was at a time when race issues were playing out in some …
Back in 1884, there was a Native American (of the Calpella band) farmer who knew English better than the fellow members of his band, so he ended up doing a lot of the translation for them. He’d been born in Santa Rosa, California, in the town where the Schulz Museum and his …
Trivia note: The supervillain Kite Man first appeared in a Batman story in 1960… but it wasn’t until a 1986 issue of Hawkman that writer Tony Isabella announced that his real name is Charles Brown.
Coming out on the same day in December are two board books, one named A Best Friend for Woodstock, and the other, A Best Friend for Snoopy. Is this a coincidence? Or are they linked somehow? Could it be that they go together… that it turns out that the unnamed best friend …
There are some more kids storybooks coming up later this year. In August, we learn that Lucy Knows Best, with Kama Einhorn on adaptation and my occasional collaborator Robert Pope on the art. (For one of Robert’s non-Peanuts books, the About The Author section claims that he is a theologian at …
The Washington Post gives a well due look at Seth and his efforts at bringing The Complete Peanuts together. He has done great things in establishing a usable, functional look to the series, and is now facing with the difficulties introduced with volume 26, which includes a lot of material …