Well, I’ve finally taken the shrink-wrap off of Peanuts: Play Along Piano Songs, the musical item with the integrated 9-key musical keyboard and 9 built-in songs. Press one of the song buttons, the music plays, then the book coaches you through playing the song by lighting up each key you’re …
So I picked this up at Target. This is one of a line of figures released around the time of The Peanuts Movie, although it’s not a movie license; now, it was 75% off its original price, bringing it down under $3. The Pop! line, for those who don’t know it, …
Purchased today at Costco! Peanuts Play Along Piano Songs: The keys light up when you press ’em! Not available at Amazon, but yes, available at Barnes & Noble! I’ll see some of you tonight!
First off, let me apologize for the large gaps between posts here. The Peanuts-y part of my brain is focused on a possible future project, which it’s obviously to soon to be talking about and the time may never be right. Between that project and trying hard to …
Kindly deliveryman has brought me two books in the [blank] Like [character] series, Messy Like Pigpen and Cool Like Snoopy. Now, when I review a book, I try to do it with consideration as to who the target market is… but in this case, I’m really not sure. These are board books, so …
So I have, in my hot’n’handsome li’l hands, a copy of The Complete Peanuts volume 25, collecting the final year-and-a-little of the newspaper strip, which is a good thing to have but not exactly hard to have come by before. But this is filled out with two other items of note: a …
While I’ve seen Peanuts strips reprinted in a variety of formats, while researching an answer for AAUGH Blog reader Elaine, I came across one that I hadn’t seen before. In 2014, the New York Yankees had a day to honor Joe Torre, former player and manager – and as a …
The new book adaptation of the animated special It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown is a slick production. The cover is embossed, with foil highlights and French flaps (that’s where the covers of a paperback are folded in to create inside flaps. The credits of the book are: By Charles M. …
The whirlybeagle on the cover of the new level-two kids book Happy Valentine’s Day, Charlie Brown is misleading – there is no whirlybeagle on the inside. Instead, it’s a tale of Valentine’s Day, of Charlie Brown making a card for the Little Red Haired Girl and of others making cards or …
This is the latest addition to my Peanuts book collection, and one of the more expensive items I’ve purchased. Some of you who have been reading for years or who were there at my presentation at Beaglefest a few years back might recognize what this is, but there are probably …