New releases

Complete Peanuts 5 review

Yes, I’ve finally gotten around to writing up The Complete Peanuts 1959 to 1960. I apologize for the delay. But lets face it, you don’t need a review. If you’re the sort of person who reads The AAUGH Blog, you should get this book, and all the other volumes in …

New releases

Peanuts All-Stars review

Peanuts All-Stars is a curious choice for a book. With other recent books out there having focused on the baseball strips and the golf strips, this one is meant to cover the other key sports from the strip. It has sections for basketball, football, hockey, and tennis, with plenty of …

New releases

Easter Beaglet

The new hardcover adaptation of It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown is now in my hands, and as I suspected before, the Amazon description of its size is wrong. It’s roughly 3 inches wide and high, not more than six as Amazon says. It’s a 128 page book with 28 …

New releases

A Peanuts Valentine

There are now two books available called A Peanuts Valentine. There’s the strip collection, which came out last year, and now there’s the kids’ book. This is an odd item, a storybook with a cardboard envelope attached to each spread. Each envelope contains a cardboard object related to the tale… …

New releases

Silent Peanuts and more

Now shipping: the new, cheaper edition of A Peanuts Christmas, a collection of Christmas-themed strips. We were kind of underwhelmed by the original version of this, but the lower price certainly makes it more palatable. Coming in February: a cute li’l miniature hardcover adaptation of It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie …


Complete Peanuts 4 Review

If you asked me what my favorite Peanuts daily and Sunday of all time were, well, my response would depend on when you asked me. But the odds are pretty good that I’d talk choose the Sunday strip where Linus builds a big snow dinosaur, and the daily where he …


Treasury Returns

Back in 2000, a publishing arm of Barnes & Noble put out a discount hardcover edition of Peanuts Treasury, for $9.98. Eventually, it was also available through other retailers. And then, in 2002, Barnes & Noble put out a discount softcover edition of Peanuts Treasury, for $9.95. That one remained …

New releases

Complete Peanuts 4 exists

While it’s not shipping from bookstores yet, I can tell you that The Complete Peanuts Volume 4 does exist – I have a copy sitting right here. Unfortunately, I’m still under the weather and can’t go through it and do a cogent review just yet (although I will note that …

Nat news

Getting Snoopy’s gourd

I now have my copy of Baby Snoopy’s Pumpkin. I laughed, I cried, it changed my life. Oh, okay, it’s just a silly kids’ book, and the ventral mystery of it (what is that odd thing Baby Snoopy is growing?) is kinda given away by the title. But each of …

Classic finds

The other Complete Peanuts set, and more

So you want the complete run of Peanuts strips in 25 volumes, but you don’t want to wait another decade to get the complete set? And you want to pay only about $60 plus shipping for the whole set? Well, how’s your Chinese? Because that’s the language for this set …