AAUGH Blog reader Jason points out that the iTunes bookstore currently has a book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas for free! This is a digital presentation of that adaptation with Tom Brannon art that Running Press has been reusing repeatedly in recent years, and is not the cool interactive …
The Complete Peanuts volumes are showing up as part of Amazon MatchBook program. What that means is that if you buy (or at any time have bought), say, The Complete Peanuts volume 1 from Amazon, they will now sell you a digital copy (for your Kindle device or Kindle reader …
For some reason, Amazon has at the moment I’m posting this over a 30% discount on the new color edition of It’s Only a Game that I released last week. I do not promise that that rate will be there by the time you click over, but it’s worth trying. …
AAUGH Blog reader Eddie just mentioned to me the great deal he got on my book The Peanuts Collection at Barnes & Noble – and I checked it out and he’s right. Checking their online store, you can buy this considered-a-bargain-at-$35 book for $8.98! They offer free shipping in the …
And now AAUGH Blog reader Ben is telling me that he’s been in contact with Amazon, and they say that the listing of devices for the free Peanuts book is in error; it won’t work with Cloud Reader, it will only work with certain Kindle models (Touch and Fire HD), …
When I said of the free Kindle edition of It’s a Dog’s Life, Snoopy that “you don’t need a Kindle device to read it; there are Kindle programs for most computers, for the iPad and other tablets, etc.“, I was only partly, fuzzily right. This book, while readable by the …
The strip collection It’s a Dog’s Life, Snoopy is free right now (one of a few Peanuts books that just showed up on Kindle.) You don’t need a Kindle device to read it; there are Kindle programs for most computers, for the iPad and other tablets, etc. Note: When I …
Coming in August are two more books in the Running Press Kids inspirational “Be” series, Be Thankful and Be Friends. Now shipping are the pink-covered edition of Love Is Walking Hand In Hand and the audio-button edition of It’s The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown. And at the moment, remaindered copies …
So here on the day before Christmas, and while I have no more shopping yet to get done, I find myself buying gifts for me. That’s because Amazon is having a great day-before-Christmas sale, with some very desirable MP3 albums for $1.99 or less. (Not that it has to be …
We’ve got covers for a couple of books that are coming out next February: Click on the covers to go preorder these books, or to go do other online shopping (we’re getting to the end of time when you can order with their free super-saver shipping and still get the …