Today only, Amazon is offering the A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving app for Android for free!
The Boom! Studios store is having this big sale: So here’s the Peanuts search results there. I might be using this to get some of the variant covers I’m missing.
Today-only HOLIDAY30 coupon code for Amazon means 30% off of any one book, maximum $10 savings. Max out that savings with this beautiful Peanuts Every Sunday volume… or click on through and order whatever you want.
At the moment, the Nook ebook edition of Sparky: The Life and Art of Charles Schulz by Beverly Gherman is on sale for a mere buck-ninety-nine. This was an okay one, aimed at the younger set but not one of those cheaply-done part-of-a-set ones done for the youngest readers.
I gotta say that the Peanuts “minikits”, little boxed sets with a small toy and often a little minibook, are quite overpriced for what they are at $9.99. But if you want them, That Daily Deal has them today for $3.99 including shipping. If you want Best Friends, Snoopy Flying Ace, or Finger Puppet …
In the time between when I web-ordered my A Charlie Brown Christmas book fabric panels and when they will presumable arrive, the JoAnn Fabric website first ran out of panels, then lowered the price by another $2.50 per panel. If I was all out of them, I’d only charge a nickel …
I admit, I was fretting about it. It was once again looking like it would be a year without a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas. There were none coming through the regular book channels. We have avoided this disaster narrowly at times, with a Hallmark-only book, or something …
You may have heard about the business battle between online book-and-everything-else store Amazon and publishing giant Hachette, and as with everything in the news, I’m sure you wondered “does this have any impact on Peanuts books?” Well, yes. Let’s considered The Peanuts Collection, a book written by, well, me, and published …
Amazon is listing the upcoming big Peanuts Artist’s Edition as having a “list price” of $149.99. That may not be accurate. The book was solicited to the comic book stores without a list price; instead, they are being told simply what they would have to pay for it wholesale. It is …
CORRECTED: Previously, this entry said that the art would be reproduced at the original size. That is incorrect; it is being reduced. The error has been removed. That big “Artist’s Edition” that is reproduces Peanuts original art? It’s now available for preorder. I always push preordering, and on this, I’m …