Animated Peanuts

Finally, book editions of A Charlie Brown Christmas

Someone in this world knows how to make this AAUGH Blogger happy. Coming in November is the Peanuts Holiday Box Set, which almost certainly will include a book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas, probably reprinting the Running Press adaptation. But better than that, the same month brings… A Charlie …

Animated Peanuts

You are Good Folks, AAUGH Blog Readers

First off, thanks to all of the AAUGH Blog readers who sent in suggestions about how I can get the scent of smoke out of my Braille edition of Home Is On Top Of A Doghouse (various suggestions of laundry products, baking soda, and exposure to sun). I do now …

Animated Peanuts

You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown now shipping

Released today: (And no, I don’t have my copy yet, so I haven’t seen how the documentary featurette came out. I’ll presume I didn’t look too foolish; that’s the magic of editing!)

Animated Peanuts

You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, but are you award-winning?

I hope everyone is having good holidays, finding joy and happiness and yes, even though it may be materialistic, I hope you’re getting good gifts. Good gifts make people happy, both those who give them and those who get them. Among the gifts I got this year was an audition …

Animated Peanuts

A Charlie Brown Christmas online, free

Hey, ABC has put A Charlie Brown Christmas and Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales, online, for free viewing (with ads)! (Although for some reason they’re paying for ad placement for the online video of their December 8 airing, which was edited; the above link should be the full-length edition.) And if …

Animated Peanuts

A Boy Named Charlie

Today’s addition to the reference library (well, one of them, I don’t mention everything I get) is the souvenir booklet for the Japanese release of A Boy Named Charlie Brown. About 8 1/3″x 11 2/3″, this 20 page booklet has character descriptions, some text presumably on the plot and …

Animated Peanuts

This year’s A CB Christmas showings

The good news: ABC arranged to show A Charlie Brown Christmas twice this year! The bad news: Only one of the showings was scheduled to be the unedited version, the other to the version edited to fit into a modern half-hour slot. The further bad news: One of the showings …

Animated Peanuts

The Peanuts band

To follow up yesterday’s example of the Peanuts characters interacting with a live-action human, check out this current ad for a Japanese magazine: I was out in the chilly Black Friday lines this morning, on a quest for big bargains. Know what I got? A cold. Amazon’s been running some …

Animated Peanuts

Peanuts and DVD… no, not that kind of DVD

Charles Schulz would’ve turned 87 years old today. The rest of this post has nothing to do with that. I’ve always been a bit reluctant to post Internet videos here, because so many of them are copyright violations (and as a producer of copyrighted material, I take that seriously). However, …

Animated Peanuts

This year’s Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, with savings before and after

Just got an email from someone who could not find A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on this year’s U.S. TV schedule. It’s there on Thanksgiving day itself – 8 PM (most areas) on ABC. So after you’ve made your own thanksgiving feast in the toaster, you can share Charlie Brown’s! By …