Upcoming releases


This fall’s Peanuts releases from Fantagraphics. No surprises here, just the latest installment in series. Peanuts Every Sunday 1971-1975 collects five years of Sunday strips in a glorious, large format. The Complete Peanuts: 1965-1966 is the 8th volume in its paperback edition The Complete Peanuts: 1963-1966 – boxed set of two …

Now shipping

Here come the Hallmark books

I don’t have my copies of these yet, but that’s no reason to not let you know that they exist!

Classic finds

The Peanuts Game

Back when I was working on Complete Peanuts 26, an eBay listing like this would lead me to fret. Sure, it’s clearly not lettered by Schulz, that’s visible even at this low resolution, but what if they had him draw a strip special for them and then change the dialogue? There …

Animated Peanuts

You knew it had to be coming

This will be a year. A real year. The kind of year when we don’t just have a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas, but it’s actually going to be a completely new adaptation! This one’s going to be a “deluxe edition”, a cloth-covered hardcover with foil highlights. The adaptation is …

Upcoming releases

2017 has books, it does

There’s more Peanuts books coming later in the year. The batch I just learned of is mostly kids stuff. The one that makes me happiest is a storybook with Franklin as the title character. The story book You Got A Rock, Charlie Brown (July) The storybook It’s Hockey Time, Franklin (August) The …

Upcoming releases

He’s a mixed breed

Sorry for the lack of many updates lately, but between some medical issues (don’t worry, nothing deadly) and going to the Long Beach Comic Expo (where I finally decided that I should describe myself as a “Professional Peanuts Nerd”), life has been full. I’ve got a few more points of news …


Be My Valentine, Sweet Babboo

Taking my computer into the shop (I will have to struggle without it for DAYS! Withdrawal, withdrawal!), I stopped in at the Hallmark shop to waste a few minutes until my Genius Bar appointment. Hallmark has been on my mind lately as I wonder whether it might make sense for …


The AAUGH Blog » Charlie Brown’s Hidden Christmas Treasures

Just a quick note that Merry Christmas Charlie Brown Look-and-Find, which I evaluated here and decided that it was not an adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas (although it does have some references to it) is available in paperback from the Scholastic Book Club. If you’re ordering your kid books online, its order code …

Schulz/Peanuts news

Good Grief! Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang Are Up for Sale

Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and the Peanuts gang are up for sale. Strawberry Shortcake too Source: Good Grief! Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang Are Up for Sale Several people have called my attention to the fact that Iconix, the majority owners of Peanuts Worldwide (the company co-owned by the Schulzes) are looking …

New releases

Finally, a book about The Peanuts Gang!

Yes, I sacrifice much for you, my dear AAUGH Blog readers! I actually ordered myself a copy of the book on this bold new Peanuts Gang, finally finding a replacement for those characters from the last century! No more Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty. Now, The Peanuts Gang (and it’s italicized, always italicized) is …