Upcoming releases

Confessions of a Blockhead

I have avoided doing much coverage of Peter Robbins, the voice of Charlie Brown in the earliest animated specials, in this blog. His crimes and his mental health issues, while salacious, really are outside the focus of The AAUGH Blog. However, with his release from prison comes some news that …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts things to come

There are books coming up, and I’m going to knock out a few quickly in this message so I don’t have to think of them any more. Snoopy Goes to School – a children’s book in which Snoopy, well, goes to school. Art by Robert Pope. Coming in June. The …

Classic finds

Lucy’s Lemon Censorship Recipe

As you may recall from this episode of the podcast (you do have them all memorized, right?), we had established that the Peanuts Cook Book had at one point had a replacement recipe issued, thanks to concerns about kids working with the high-proof lemon extract called for in the making …

New releases

Peanuts Holiday Cookbook

The new Peanuts Holiday Cookbook is a slick piece of work, a bright hardcover illustrated with a mix of Schulz strips, recycled Peanuts art from other projects, and new art done for this project by Peanuts kid books regulars Robert Pope and Scott Jeralds. It offers a fairly diverse set …


Campaign Peanuts

Of the many presidential candidates, I think Schulz only mentioned one in Peanuts. which isn’t to say that you can’t find others if you look…

Animated Peanuts

I’m confused by A Charlie Brown Christmas

I stopped by a local Hallmark store knowing that it was about time for Christmas books to surface, and there I saw it, a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas… or at least that’s what I thought. I did not recognize this colorful edition. Then I opened it and …

New releases

It’s one book! It’s two books!! It’s a Peanigma!!!

I’ve been saying that the Andews McMeel Peanuts strip collections for kids were a pretty good deal, with paperbacks like Snoopy: Cowabunga and Charlie Brown and Friends with list prices of about ten bucks a pop. Then today I find this at Costco…. a book which as of now I …

Now shipping

Psychiatric booth of the Mad

Mad Magazine has long made use of Peanuts parodies, and is not stopping now. Joaquin Phoenix delivers an Oscar-worthy performance in MAD #10’s Joker Funnies. On sale 10/8! pic.twitter.com/yafzruZAlF — MAD Magazine (@MADmagazine) October 3, 2019

New releases

Review: Born to Draw Comics

Born to Draw Comics is a full-on children’s storybook about Schulz’s life, from birth to the sale of Peanuts to the syndicate (in fact, the subtitle is The Story of Charles Schlz and the Creation of Peanuts.) It’s not one of those little biographies meant to be sold as a …


Discount on Sparky: The Life and Art of Charles Schulz

The, oh, I’d say middle-school aimed, biography Sparky: The Life and Art of Charles Schulz is on sale today, $1.99 for the Kindle edition.