
It came to pass

Well, that happened faster than I expected; guess I should’ve been paying more attention. Amazon has chosen to kill payment for its California affiliates. At this point: All the links at the store still work, still send you to Amazon. It won’t generate any money for me, but that’s …


Ties and cutting ties

This is the pattern on the new tie I just got via eBay. Actually, I think it’s a used tie – I cannot find this one for sale anywhere now – but in good shape, so it doesn’t matter. Now, I’m not a tie guy, but clearly either this is …

Upcoming releases

Charlie Brown – cover-blocked again

The new Wendy’s Kids’ Meal book which started rolling out yesterday features, on its cover, Snoopy. That’s right, even for a book titled I Love Baseball, Charlie Brown gets totally Rodney Dangerfiel’d! If your Wendy’s has the signage indicating that they have toys linked to the movie Zookeeper, then they …

Classic finds

You May Live Underwater, Charlie Brown!

Now I admit it, from time to time you’ve seen me make a blog post title by picking some descriptive or just plain weird phrase and stick a comma-Charlie-Brown after it. It’s a cheap form of humor, but it can work. And you’re probably thinking that I’m doing that on …

Upcoming releases

The next Wendy’s Kid’s Meal book

The title of the next Wendy’s Kid’s Meal kids-under-3 Peanuts board book will be: I Love Baseball. It will start hitting the restaurants this coming Monday, although any individual outlet might not have it available for a few days after that. I’ve not yet seen the cover – I’ll bet …

Schulz/Peanuts news

It’s a Free Trade Agreement, Charlie Brown

Over the years, I’ve seen the Peanuts characters used to advertise or promote a wide range of things – foodstuffs, automobiles, insurance, books, environmentally-friendly lawncare, vacuum cleaners, water parks, and so forth and so on. But this one is, to my eyes, a first. Taken from Roll Call, which is …

Animated Peanuts

When was Charlie Brown’s All-Stars planned?

I had been laboring under the working assumption that the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas was planned as a one-off, with people willing to do more specials if it was a success, but with that seeming unlikely to most involved. In his book A Charlie Brown Christmas: The Making of …

Animated Peanuts

The Latina Peanuts character

I do at times field questions about Dolores, the Latina Peanuts character. And if some of you out there are saying “Who?!?”, believe me, I don’t blame you. Dolores, you see, isn’t in any of the Peanuts strips. And she isn’t in any of the animated specials. Isn’t in the …

Upcoming releases

Beagle Deluxe

Coming early next year is a “deluxe edition” book adaptation of It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown. The current listing says it’s a paperback, but I doubt that; given the $16.95 price point, it’s most likely the Easter equivalent of the big, square Charlie Brown Christmas and Great Pumpkin hardcovers …

Animated Peanuts

Uninformed musings on Peanuts DVD future

The recent Peanuts animation released, Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown, seems to have met with general (albeit not universal) approval. And I know there were thoughts about doing more of these releases. But there is something that happened between the time that Happiness was started and when it …