It’s the Great Big Turkey Bird, Charlie Brown… er, I mean A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, now under $8.28.
After covering that the film Tower Heist (which I have not seen) features Snoopy via his Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon, I was surprised that the other film which opened wide this weekend – A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas – had a briefer Snoopy mention, as a character asked …
The already-out-on-video Peanuts special Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown is heading to US airwaves on Thanksgiving night. There’s a couple interesting things about this: It’s not airing on ABC, who holds current broadcast rights to the “classic” holiday specials, but on Fox. It’s airing at 8:30 (following an …
My wife notes that there is a lot of work involved in achieving the second most sincere pumpkin patch, but a sad lack of reward for doing so.
Those of you who don’t think you can make it to the comic shop every month to get the new issue of the new Peanuts comic book do have another option – the publisher will be collecting the stories into paperbacks. The first one is slated to come out next …
Peanuts is almost certainly the most influential humor strip in the history of the medium, but from time to time it has been more than an artistic influence on a creative mind; there have been strips that have pretty clearly tried to be The Next Peanuts, although they’ve had different …
Just noticed in an ad for next week’s new film Tower Heist, and noticed the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Snoopy balloon popping into one scene; I wonder if they do anything good with him, or whether it’s just one of a number of balloons that pass. (The film has a …
I just got a review PDF of the new Peanuts issue 0, which should hit better comic shops on Wednesday. The cover announces New Stories, which is not the more common announcement of All-New Stories, and that difference is there for a reason, as you’ll see. The contents are: “Carnival …
That silly annual dead-celebrities-with-the-highest-income list came out this week, and yes, they listed Sparky Schulz again, but to me that list is largely a potent mixture of dubious accuracy and none-of-my-business. But it does set me thinking about how creativity gets rewarded, or doesn’t. Schulz and his family, yes, no …
I suppose I should wave a SPOILER WARNING for anyone who has not seen It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, which I would estimate to be 0% of my readers. If somehow you have not seen that TV special, do One of the most beloved things in this fine special, …