The strip collection Let’s Dance, Snoopy is now shipping. I should have my copy in my hands within a couple days, and then I’ll be able to tell whether it is still promoted as a 65th Anniversary book or not (the early title listings said so, but the samples currently showing …
For something I’m working on, I could use a bit of input from the vast hivemind of Peanuts fans out there. Can any of you name any (non-Peanuts) novels that use Snoopy in either of these two ways: As a real character, as if the beagle from the strip is …
The latest in Fantagraphics’s series of square seasonal giftbooks is A Valentine for Charlie Brown. And it’s good at what it is, but may not be good for what you’d want it for. It’s good because it’s a collection of Valentine’s Day-themed Peanuts strips, broken up into three sections: one about …
I presume by now most readers have heard about the slaughter of much of the staff of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo including cartoonists, as well as the policemen who were protecting the offices. And you may have thought that while it was horrific, this magazine of broad and often deliberately offensive …
I was listening to a report the other day covering the The Simpsons marathon than ran on FXX, and one of the things that was noted was that, while all of these episodes had been available on home video for a long time, and reran at various times on TV, …
The new trailer for The Peanuts Movie is mostly made up of stuff that was in the previous trailer, but there is a little new stuff at the beginning.
…because it’s already tomorrow in Australia. As such, we’re looking at having a 2015, and Peanutswise, it’s going to be a big one. The 65th anniversary of the strip, the 50th anniversary of A Charlie Brown Christmas, the spread of the French animated Peanuts shorts to more markets, and likely the …
Back in 1975, the Department of Commerce put out a booklet called The American Economic System… and Your Part In It. It used a number of Peanuts illustrations along with its text to help explain the economy. Now, materials produced by employees of the US government as part of their work are …
For someone who knows a little bit about Peanuts history, it can be frustrating to see a popular piece that expands little facts into bigger fictions, as with the Good Morning America piece ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ to Turn 50. Yes, the original special did incorporate the Coca-Cola name on screen. …
Regarding Thursday’s photo, cartoonist Dale Hale, who worked in Schulz’s studio during that era (you may have seen his work in some of those 1950s/1960s Peanuts comic books), assures me that Schulz did not normally wear a tie while drawing. His preferred clothing was golf shirts. So Peanuts was not as …