Own a Snoopy from space


The Silver Snoopy

People regularly ask me to help promote their auctions of their Peanuts memorabilia, and I demur. I really don’t want to turn this blog into a bunch of adds for other people’s stuff. But in this case, I’m making an exception… because of what the item is.

You may know (particularly if you read my book, The Peanuts Collection) about how Snoopy is used as a symbol by NASA. You may even have heard about the Silver Snoopy pin, the award given to people who have given excellent support NASA’s space efforts. And what makes these pins particularly special is that each of them has been carried on a NASA mission. Now that’s pretty cool.

The auction I’m listing is forĀ a Silver Snoopy that went to the moon.

How often do you get a chance like that?

(Go ahead, bid if you want. You won’t be bidding against me; it starts at a couple thou, and that’s well outside my range.)

The real Linus’s real cartooning

Like many Peanuts fans, I knew that the character of Linus was named after Linus Maurer, who worked at Art Instruction alongside Schulz. Like seemingly fewer fans, I knew that Maurer himself had been a syndicated cartoonist… but for some reason I never saw any of his strip before today. …

Campaign Peanuts redux

I don’t normally just repost my blog entries… but this one seems as relevant now as when I first posted it in 2019. Only the word “many” seems dated. Of the many presidential candidates, I think Schulz only mentioned one in Peanuts. which isn’t to say that you can’t find …

I suspect that’s not Schulz

The only thing I have to say about this ad from 1967 is “no”.   40 SHARES Share Tweet this thing Follow the AAUGH Blog