25 years
- By : Nat
- Category : Schulz/Peanuts news

Today is 25 years since Charles Schulz passed away. Tomorrow is 25 years since the final Peanuts strip ran.
And yet, Peanuts is far from gone. The material is more available than it was when the strip was actually being created, with the entire run collected into books and available online as well. It is still around in culture, not just in product (although certainly there is oh so much of that), but in the way we express ourselves, from the ever-present use of Lucy-pulls-the-football analogies in politics to the (often very abused) cartoons that flood our social media feeds. There are specials and sponsorships, theme parks and movies. It is oh so integrated into our cutlure…
…and as long as Peanuts is around, Schulz is never truly gone. (Though Lucy may disagree.)