A book I’d not expected to resurface
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases
Back in 2011, Schulz’s granddaughter Dena Hodges issued the first two chapters of a memoir called In the Shadow of the Family Dog. As I noted in my review at the time, the chapter and the description of the project made it clear that the focus was her relationship with the mother who raised her, and it wasn’t showing signs of having material that would be of direct interest to those fascinated with Schulz and his work

The chapters that existed were soon taken down from Amazon, and its existence made so little splash that now, when I Google the title, the only thing that shows upo is my blog posts on it. (There is even a possibility that I was the work’s sole customer.) I thought that maybe she was talked out of continuing this effort, and long since wrote it off as something that would never see a chapter three.
Well, it looks like I wrote it off over a decade too soon, as Ms. Hodges is seeking to appear on podcasts to discuss the volume (which I presume is still forthcoming; I’ve seen no sign of it being available) and her life.
(I think it best in such a situation to tell you fine readers not to rely on that old review when the book appears; not only will it have presumably much more material, but even the material I read back then is apt to have been reworked and polished up in the time since.)