Christmas by the numbers
- By : Nat
- Category : book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas, New releases

It is that time of year again! The days are getting just a mite shorter, the first skeletons of the season are appearing on neighborhood lawns. You can feel the excitement in the crisp air, for surely it is time for the greatest gift a year has to bring: a new book adaptation of the classic animated TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas!
This one is different. It may be hard to piece this together, but that is exactly what you have to do: piece it together. Now, any adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas which is merely ten images and fourteen sentences is going to have some holes (they skip over the quoting of the Gospel entirely!), but this has more holes than even that calls for. The holes are the point. The goal of Brain Games Sticker by Number A Charlie Brown Christmas
is that you fill the holes with specific ones of the other 400 stickers provided, and thus build the images yourself. The image pages of this wire-bound book are each perforated, making it easy for you to remove the art and place it alongside the page with the stickers for that image.
This book is published by Publications International, which has produced a number of previous Peanuts projects like storybooks with sound buttons and stuffed-Snoopy-and-book boxed sets. Their publications aren’t always available through Amazon, but this one is, and is available for immediate shipping.