The endless stream of Peanuts books continues
- By : Nat
- Category : Upcoming releases

Sometimes I wonder if the world will ever decide it has enough Peanuts books. Then I remember that even with over a thousand of them, I shall never decide that I have enough Peanuts books, and I’ve seen the world and it isn’t particularly wiser than me. So… well, a bunch new upcoming Peanuts book projects just popped into the solicitations, so let’s have a look:
- The new boxed set Snoopy’s Joyful Collection
contains two previously-released board books: If I Gave the World My Blanket
and Snoopy’s Book of Joy
. Now, as a practical matter I question creating a boxed set of board books; board books by their nature are designed for those who may not have very coordinated hands yet, not ideal for getting books into or out of a slipcase. But as a sales matter, it makes sense, I suppose. Due in August.
Also for them what likes boxes comes the Peanuts Graphic Novel Collection
, which puts into one package the three volumes of the Peanuts Graphic Novel series (only one of which is out so far, but all will be out before this is released.) These volumes are, as you may recall, mainly reprints of the original Peanuts material published by Kaboom!, with a new story in each volume. Due in August.
- The Ready-to-Read Level 2 storybook Time for the Vet, Snoopy!
is an adaptation of a story from The Snoopy Show. This’n is also scheduled for August.
- Christmastime Is Here: A Fill-In Book
is another one of those fill-in-the-blanks-and-give-it-as-a-gift books like we discussed a year and a half back. This lands in October, giving you months to fill in the blanks before giving it as a Christmas present (but give it early, otherwise they get it when most of their Christmas celebrating is over.)
- Snoopy: Touchdown!
is the latest in the full color AMP Comics For Kids/Peanuts for Kids strip collection series. That’s 16 volumes, quite a run so far! Ships in October.
- And for the mosts unexpected item, we have the Peanuts Inspiration Deck
, a set which includes “40 full-color cards with a range of Peanuts characters, icons, and items”, and “a full-color 88-page guidebook [by Analisa Devoe] is included, with images of the 40 cards, accompanied by an inspirational message related to each card” enclosed in a “keepsake box” with a magnetic closure. My first thought was “is this a tarot deck???”, but no, too few cards. (And I can hear right now some of my audience figuring out the details of a Peanuts tarot deck, if such a thing does not already exist. World War I Flying Ace of Wands, anyone?) But hey, it does include a book so it’s legit for this blog!
All of those links above will work to get you preorders, so you can secure your items now, if you wish!