The Best Time of the Year

book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas

Longtime readers of the blog know that my favorite time of the year is when the new book adaptations of the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas arrive, and that in the current century, that usually means that I have several such joyous days per year. This year’s first such day brings a little extra joy with it.

You see, as the book-adaption-of-A-CB-Christmas-obsessed person that I am, it has long been my dream that their be a Frankenstein edition, one that combines pieces of all the different art and text adaptations that have been done of the book into a single continuous story.  A little photoshopped Schulz, some Braddock art, some LoBianco art, some Brannon art, a bit of coloring book, a few screen captures, all strung together to tell the tale. And the first baby step has been taken in that direction.


It’s not such a bad little tree, it just needed some batteries.

A Charlie Brown Christmas Book & Tree Kit from Running Press is far from the first CB Christmas-themed little boxed kit that they have offered. It’s not even the first book-and-tree kit they’ve put out, but this one is not a rerelease of the 2007 one nor the 2009 one. It’s more the small size of the 2007 one, but this one has a base with batteries in it, so it can play the song “Christmastime is Here” from the opening of the special.

But the book that comes with it is a Frankenstein version: it takes the Caroline Dolan text from the 2003 mini-book and, instead of using the Peter and Nick LoBianco art that that edition has, pairs it with the Thomas Brannon art that was first introduced in a full-sized 2008 book , although to be more specific this uses the version of the art introduced in a 2015 reissue, which eliminated Peppermint Patty and Marcie from the interior art as well as providing a new cover image.

So this is not a new adaptation, but neither is it a reprint. It is genuinely a new edition, and as such, it is a fine thing to have! You can go get one for yourself here — they are available for immediate shipping.

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book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas
Finally, a book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas!

Coming this September is a book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas! Oh, okay, there’s been such books before, but this one has an adaptation by artist Vicki Scott and writer Maggie Tesla!! Oh, okay, this adaptation has been published before, but this particular adaptation has never been published with a …

book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas
A Charlie Brown Christmas Ornament Book

This year’s first (and only??) new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas is here, and it’s not just a reprint of an existing one. No, the A Charlie Brown Christmas Ornament Book is a thing of its own… a board book with removable cardboard ornaments. That’s right, on each of …

book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas
The little big Charlie Brown Christmas is back

Last year, I managed to slip up and not order the year’s new Hallmark book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas… which was just a reduced-size version of giant lights-and-sounds-and-pop-ups version that Hallmark had released in 2021. I had counted on them discounting the expensive book in their usual post-Christmas …