New TV Specials Coming!
- By : Nat
- Category : Animated Peanuts

In the midst of the announcement that Apple TV+ has the rights to the classic specials, I almost overlooked their announcement of the quantity of NEW Peanuts material they’ll be bringing. I had assumed that the announcement of The Snoopy Show would mean no more Snoopy in Space, but wrong I am! A second season of that has been announced. Plus, three new holidays specials – one for Mother’s Day, one for Earth Day (which I guess is the final official eclipse for the Arbor Day special), one for back-to-school (“when will that actually happen” he asks, looking at the kids on Zoom conference in the living room), and a new one for New Year’s Eve (and let’s face it, the existing Happy New Years, Charlie Brown! is really about New Year’s Eve, not New Year’s Day.)
So if you like animated Peanuts, there’s a lot coming your way.
(We’re at the point with number of streaming services that I will join one for a month or two, catch up on everything, then cancel it and subscribe to the next. Ideally, I’ll cycle through everything each year.)