Here comes the parade!


Finally available for pre-order is The Complete History of Peanuts on Parade: A Tribute to Charles M. Schulz: Volume One: The St. Paul Years. This is, in addition to being a book with three colons in its title, a photo-heavy history of the projects where various artists customized Peanuts statues and flooded the town with them. The planned second volume will cover the years that followed these were Santa Rosa hosted the event. You can listen to me interview William about this years-in-the-making book series here.

Upcoming releases
Game Day returns

Back in 2020, Fantagraphics dropped Game Day, a boxed set of sports-themes Peanuts strip reprint paperbackss, as a Costco exclusive. Next June it’s coming back, this time in hardcover and available through the usual sources. Designed as a Father’s Day gift, it should be good for anyone who likes Peanuts …

Upcoming releases
An unauthorized? biography

In the past, I’ve talked about the Charles Schulz biographies that are produced as part of bulk lines of biographies for school libraries, very brief, photo-heavy things meant to give kids something to write book reports about. Well ABDO, a company that has produced just such a biography in the …

Upcoming releases
The Peanuts books keep a-comin’

We’re getting into the period when “75th Anniversary” books should be being announced. I don’t know if either of these will be branded that way. Coming in May, 2025 is Happiness is Peanuts, which seems to be an attempt to capture the magic of the Happiness is a Warm Puppy-style …