Since so many folks are foregoing April Fool’s Day this year, I thought I’d counter with April Frees Day, giving out free ebooks (from my publishing imprint, About Comics) to give something for people to read. And thus, today only, I’m offering free downloads on three different books, one of which is of particular interest to AAUGH Blog readers.
“They Called Him Sparky” is a book collecting friends from his Church of God days writing about Schulz and their memories of him. This book was first published by Chinaberry Press in 2006, and a few years back I cut a deal with author (well, in this case compiler) David Liverett to keep it available. David has since passed away, alas, but I’m sure he’d want this to be read. It had a lot of illustrations – many of the cartoons that Schulz did for the Church of God, as well as some drawings he did for various people, and some photos. It’s an interesting book for those who are into the Schulz history, and as I said, a no-strings-attached free PDF download, today only.
What other books am I offering? The Factor is a collection of my own comic book series, focusing not on the costumed hero but on all the other people his work has an impact on (the man on the street, the cop on the beat, the woman he saved during a bank robbery, the kid playing with a doll of the hero, and much more.) Over 20 stories, with art by a wide array of interesting folks (for children’s book buffs: Adam Rex, mystery buffs:Alex Grecian, comics fans: Joe Staton, Carla Speed McNeil, Matt Feazell, and many more). And Loxfinger is the first from a series of classic Jewish spy parody novels about Israel Bond, Agent Oy-Oy 7. This story first appeared in Playboy and was expanded into a nicely successful novel that had four sequels.
To download any or all of these books, you’ll find the links at http://www.aboutcomics.com/wp/free-books-for-april-frees-day-2020
And yes, feel free to spread the word – today!