A better pitcher than Charlie Brown

Not That Charlie Brown

Ladies, gentlemen, and those who identify otherwise, let me introduce you to: Charlie Brown! Charles Edward Brown was a professional baseball pitcher… briefly. In 1897 he pitched four games for the Cleveland Spiders, a Major League Baseball team of the day. This left-hander started four games, and is credited with one win and two losses.

(If you’ve never heard of the Spiders, it’s no surprise; they disappeared after their 1899 season, when their win/loss record was 20-134. That’s the worst record in the history of Major League Baseball… but still better Chuck’s team ever did!)

Not That Charlie Brown
So long, Charles Brown

Seen here is Charles Q. Brown Jr., probably the most powerful Charlie Brown there has ever been… except they didn’t call him “Charlie”. Mostly, they called him “sir”, as he rose through the ranks of the United States Air Force to become a four-star general… and then the Air Force …

Not That Charlie Brown
The Mystery of the 1955 Charlie Brown

AAUGH Blog reader Caren (of CollectPeanuts.com ) knows I like chronicling non-Peanuts uses of the name “Charlie Brown”, so when she saw an eBay listing for a 1955 Charlie Brown record, she knew that she should sic me on it. Clearly, this is not Schulz’s Charlie Brown. The immediate thought …

Not That Charlie Brown
Those Other Charles Schulzes

Okay, so I search newspaper archives for unimportant things out of curiosity. And checking for pre-Sparky people named “Charles Schulz”, I found a fair amount, but the one which struck me was this obituary from 1900: It’s just the fact that this Charles Schulz had a son, Charles Schulz, who …