Filling the hole
- By : Nat
- Category : General, Greatest hits

I found someone offering for sale the last Peanuts book that’s really on my “this would be an achievement” list, School Peanuts 1.
This is part of a series of books published for the European market to teach kids English. Having School Peanuts 2 and School Peanuts 3, this is the most painful hole left in my Peanuts collection (particularly after having just gotten the last of the Crosby golf programs I needed.)
BUT, it’s being offered for sale in Europe through a service that I cannot sign up for; it’s not designed for US addresses.
And in some way, that’s a little bit of a relief. Because if I got that… I might pause and wonder if maybe this is enough. Maybe, having filled that hole, it might be time to stop collection. After all, even if I were to have every Peanuts book ever made, it would be temporary. Some day, I shall pass… and after that, when the next Peanuts book is issued, my collection would not longer be complete.