The man who pitted Snoopy against the Red Baron

Coming in March is Phil Gernhard, Record Man, a biography written by Bill DeYoung.  Gernhard, a record producer who (according to the promo blurb) had a life filled with addictions, wives, and demons that ended in suicide in 2008, has a very specific place in Peanuts history: he’s the guy who took the song that Dick Holler had written about the Red Baron and decided to add Snoopy to it, taking advantage of the popular ongoing gags in Peanuts about the beagle dogfighting the baron. The result was, of course, both a huge 1966 hit for the band the Royal Guardsmen and a legal mess, as Gernhard hadn’t actually bothered to get permission to use the Snoopy character. This wasn’t the only hit in Gernhard’s career, and the book certainly isn’t going to be about just that, but if you want it, there you go!

Upcoming releases
Snoopy is guiding us to the great outdoors

Coming in October is Snoopy’s Guide to the Great Outdoors, which seems to be a general guide to camping, hiking, and appreciating nature, using your favorite Beagle Scout leader and various other members of the Peanuts crew as your guides. The author is Kristin Mehus-Roe, who seems to usually write about …

Upcoming releases
His bark is worse than his bite

This year’s new Hallmark book for the upcoming Great Pumpkin holiday is Beware the Vampire Beagle! Like other recent such books, it has a single pop-up image in the back. I’ve not yet gotten one, but given that it’s got Rich LaPierre art, it’ll at least look good. 40 SHARES …

Upcoming releases
I really hope they keep this title

Coming in May of next year, as the 18th entry in the series of full color Peanuts strip reprints is…. Snoopy Summer 2025 Kids Collection . Finally, they’ve found a title that has not already been used before! Presumably, that is just a holder title until they fall back on …