IMG_0316Well, I’ve finally taken the shrink-wrap off of Peanuts: Play Along Piano Songs, the musical item with the integrated 9-key musical keyboard and 9 built-in songs. Press one of the song buttons, the music plays, then the book coaches you through playing the song by lighting up each key you’re supposed to play in turn. And the results of you playing… sounds only vaguely like the version that played just a few seconds ago, but hey!

The book has ultra-simplified sheet music (everything’s a whole note!) for eight of the nine songs – the eight that are in the public domain. Some of them have Peanutsified lyrics. There is no sheet music for “Linus and Lucy”.

The tech on these has improved somewhat over the years. The light-up keys (just a red LED shining through) is a nice touch. I’m not quite sure who I would recommend this for, but it’s a reasonably example of what it is.

I haven’t found a good source selling it online. Bought mine at Costco. This title isn’t even listed on the publisher’s website. Maybe I just dreamed it!

New releases
Review: Snoopy (Classic Cartoon Character Bios)

The Abdo Kids : Classic Cartoon Character Bios books are blatant stuff-to-fill-school-libraries material. Sturdy hardcovers, lots of pictures, 24 pages, little text – about 250 words. The Snoopy volume uses Snoopy images from just about anywhere: strips (appropriately licensed), animation, photos, The Peanuts Movie publicity materials. And the simple facts it …

Classic finds
A needle-ssly fine present

Being a) an adult and b) not a Christmasian, it makes sense that I’m not given much in the way of Christmas presents. This year’s haul was just two items, both given by Dr. Mrs. The AAUGH Blogger: a Terry’s Chocolate Orange (yum!), and this Peanuts embroidery book from Japan. …

New releases
Double Love

Simon Spotlight has dropped two books for the Valentine’s Day Shopping Season, and they’re pretty similar. Love is Everywhere, Snoopy! is a board book that is supposed to be Charlie Brown explaining love to Snoopy (who is said to have asked, which raises the usual how-does-Snoopy-communicate-to-Charlie-Brown question.) Charlie Brown answers …