Starting the new year off right… with Christmas!

Animated Peanuts

IMG_1489What better way to start off the new year of this blog with our favorite thing – a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas! I came back from my holiday travels to find the Walmart 50th anniversary A Charlie Brown Christmas CD set waiting for me. This is a trifold that contains two CDs (nothing new, it’s the A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack – the 11-track version, not the expanded edition – and Peanuts Portraits), four two-sided cards of Peanuts art (none of it Christmas themed, and in fact half of it is baseball theme, which is off-season during Christmas. All but one of the images – a shot of Lucy, Schroeder, and the bust of Beethoven – are outdoors during clearly non-snowy weather, with bright suns and green grass.) But it’s the center part of the trifold that holds the thing that made me purchase this: a reprint of the first book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas, which was illustrated by Peanuts comic book artist Dale Hale and published in 1965. This is a different format than the original book, as this staple-bound (excuse me, “saddle stitched”) booklet is taller than wide. The text has been re-typeset, but the words remain the same.

Now excuse me, I have to go move some of my non-A Charlie Brown Christmas Christmas Peauts books from a shelf so that I have room to fit this along its many brethren.

You can order this as your first Christmas order for 2016 n.

Animated Peanuts
Free Snoopy Weekend

Apple just announced that this weekend, you can watch all of their original programming for free (you will have to sign in for an account, but not a subscription.) This means The Snoopy Show, Snoopy in Space, Camp Snoopy, and the new Peanuts specials that were created for Apple should all be …

Animated Peanuts
RIP Willie Mays

Willie Mays has died. The baseball great lived until the age of 1993. “Why is that relevant to a Peanuts blog?” I hear of a few of you cry (though many of you know better.) Before Lee Mendelson had any connection to Peanuts, he made a documentary about Mays… and …

Animated Peanuts
New Peanuts feature film on the way

Apple, who have been producing Peanuts series and specials in plentitude, have announced that they, Wildbrain, and Peanuts Worldwide are working together on a new Peanuts feature-length film, the Hollywood Reporter notes. If you liked the last feature film, then this should be very good news. They’re using a story …