Starting the new year off right… with Christmas!
- By : Nat
- Category : Animated Peanuts

What better way to start off the new year of this blog with our favorite thing – a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas! I came back from my holiday travels to find the Walmart 50th anniversary A Charlie Brown Christmas CD set waiting for me. This is a trifold that contains two CDs (nothing new, it’s the A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack – the 11-track version, not the expanded edition – and Peanuts Portraits), four two-sided cards of Peanuts art (none of it Christmas themed, and in fact half of it is baseball theme, which is off-season during Christmas. All but one of the images – a shot of Lucy, Schroeder, and the bust of Beethoven – are outdoors during clearly non-snowy weather, with bright suns and green grass.) But it’s the center part of the trifold that holds the thing that made me purchase this: a reprint of the first book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas, which was illustrated by Peanuts comic book artist Dale Hale and published in 1965. This is a different format than the original book, as this staple-bound (excuse me, “saddle stitched”) booklet is taller than wide. The text has been re-typeset, but the words remain the same.
Now excuse me, I have to go move some of my non-A Charlie Brown Christmas Christmas Peauts books from a shelf so that I have room to fit this along its many brethren.
You can order this as your first Christmas order for 2016 n.