Peanuts and Me: Global Phenomena

I just got a chance to watch Peanuts: The Global Phenomenon, which is being run on television in various international markets (it has apparently already been run in New Zealand.) This is a fourteen-and-a-half-minute promo for The Peanuts Movie, put together by Toy Box Entertainment, and it’s a nicely built piece of work. This is one of those documentaries where they take interviews with a lot of different folks and string them together as if they’re all building a single narrative, having a single conversation on a topic together. For this, they got a couple of Schulzes (Jeannie and Craig), Paige Braddock from the Schulz studio, two people from the Schulz Museum, various folks involved in the movie from producer Paul Feig to a number of animation artists, and… me, yours truly, the AAUGH Blogger.

And what befuddles me is how much of me they used. I actually went back and measured it, not because I’m that vain, but because I was that surprised. They played quotes from me 15 times, sometimes as little as a second, but in total: 2 minutes and 50 seconds. I’m the person with the least actual connection to the film here – really, doing this interview was the only connection I have to the movie! – and about a fifth of the piece is me. I’d say it was because my handsome appearance would make everyone swoon, but really, this thing demonstrates quite clearly that I do not have a face for High Definition.

The real reason they have so much to me is that they came to me after the other major interviews had been conducted and then made sure that I covered topics that the filmmaker wanted covered that the earlier subjects had not gone into. But even so… well, I’m just sometimes befuddled by my place in this world.

I wish I could share with you a link to view this but it’s not online anywhere that I can find. I don’t even have permission to show you screen caps. There’s not much in it that the Peanuts hardcore won’t already know, but it’s presented quite well. If it shows up somewhere else, I’ll let you know!

Animated Peanuts
We finally know how Charlie Brown did at the Super Bowl!

If you’ve never seen the 1994 Peanuts special You’re in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown, well, you’re not alone. It aired only in 1994, linked to that year’s Super Bowl, on NBC, which had never before and has never since aired a Peanuts special. It has never been rerun, never …

Animated Peanuts
Free Snoopy Weekend

Apple just announced that this weekend, you can watch all of their original programming for free (you will have to sign in for an account, but not a subscription.) This means The Snoopy Show, Snoopy in Space, Camp Snoopy, and the new Peanuts specials that were created for Apple should all be …

Animated Peanuts
RIP Willie Mays

Willie Mays has died. The baseball great lived until the age of 1993. “Why is that relevant to a Peanuts blog?” I hear of a few of you cry (though many of you know better.) Before Lee Mendelson had any connection to Peanuts, he made a documentary about Mays… and …