Big Book coming
- By : Nat
- Category : Uncategorized, Upcoming releases
I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled at Costco, where in the past two years I’ve found the first two volumes of The Big Book of Peanuts. This rework of an Italian book format puts all of the dailies from a given decade into a single hefty volume, with the 1980s and the 1970s now covered. So far, I’ve found nothing… but alert AAUGH Blog reader Steve just pointed me to this page on the publisher’s website, where they show the book as having been published a week ago. So I expect we’ll be seeing this really soon now. For the past volumes, I’ve only been able to find them at Costco, no good mail order source to offer, but the price is incredible – $19.99/volume (that $8.50 you see on the publisher’s page might be a wholesale price, but even for that it seems low!) I’ll let you know if I find it.