The Peanuts Movie Movie Novelization
- By : Nat
- Category : New releases, Reviews

Yes, the word “movie” does appears twice in a row in the title of The Peanuts Movie Movie Novelization, at least if you go by the book’s spine. Going by the front cover, the title appears to be Blue Sky Studios The Peanuts Movie by Schulz Movie Novelization, which I cannot say is any more sensible. This is a 138 page novelization, it comes with an insert of 8 pages of — well, no, not photos, “renderings” I suppose is the proper term — from the movie.
Is it any good? Don’t ask me, I haven’t read the thing. I don’t want the movie spoiled! But I own it, of course. Because buying books that I am not about to read, that’s a symptom of my madness.