C’mon baby, write my Peanuts
- By : Nat
- Category : Classic finds, Reviews
As a collector, I’ve seen a lot of examples of people parodying Peanuts by replacing the dialogue with something a bit more x-rated. It has been done well at times, but that’s the exception. But there was at least one interesting example that I didn’t know about… interesting for the most part because of who the redialoguer was. Up for auction is a not-for-the-offendable strip of clipped Peanuts characters with new dialog by, so the auction claims, Jim Morrison. Yeah, the lead singer for The Doors. It’s not one that dazzles me with its brilliance, I admit, but still, it would be a thing to have! You can read more about it and zoom in on the image at the auction listing. (Hat tip to my old pal and collaborator, Rod!)