Charlie Brown is Golden

You're Golden Charlie Brown cover - Charlie Brown standing on the pitcher's mound, dejected.
Note that this cover is one they solicited with, but they changed it before release in one significant way: they got rid of the “65 Years of Peanuts” banner. Which makes sense, because this is only about 4 years of Peanuts, 1964-1967.

You’re Golden, Charlie Brown is a recently released strip collection focused on the round-headed kid. It’s 150 pages of strips all from the mid-1960s, with three dailies (colorized) or one Sunday on each page (and, as with the previous volumes in this Ballantine Books format, with a curiously large hunk of white space at the bottom of each page.) That makes for roughly a year’s worth of strips. A focus on Charlie Brown always seems a little strange, just because when you take any slab of strips from this era, they’re likely to focus largely on Charlie Brown anyway. Buy hey, it’s a good stretch of the series, and there’s a reasonable number of Sally-with-an-eyepatch strips, for them what likes that.

New releases
A different kind of coffee table book

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Review: Snoopy (Classic Cartoon Character Bios)

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A needle-ssly fine present

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