More Snoopy books

Upcoming releases

HBSnoopyFirst off, let me note that postings have been light lately because I’ve been planning for a trip, and while I’m not likely to write new posts for the next few days because I’ll be on my trip, and I should have other things to do besides blog (Vegas!). But I do have a couple small posts already scheduled to pop up while I’m gone, and a nice longer post scheduled to pop up on Monday. Enjoy it.

SHolidayMore kiddie books have shown up at Amazon, ones that I thought might be British-only up until now (and I still suspect that they may be.) They’re just a couple weeks from being released, and can be preordered. Happy Birthday, Snoopy is 32 page 10″ square book. Snoopy’s Holiday Activity Book is taller, shorter (as in 24 pages) and has puzzles and mazes and “lots of cool stickers”, if the book itself is to be believed.

Upcoming releases
The Big Book of Peanuts cover

AAUGH Blog reader D.D. managed to catch that by the time that my note went out about The Big Book of Peanuts: 1990s being on Amazon, the planned cover was already available on the publisher’s website. So here’s what you have to look forward to! Love-filled Snoopy images seems to …

Upcoming releases
The most demand Peanuts book is coming

Collectors love sets of things. What they hate is incomplete sets. For Peanuts book collectors, this has been the most true with the The Big Book of Peanuts. This huge hardcovers, each collecting a full decades worth of Peanuts daily strips (i.e., not Sundays) were issued annually from 2013 through 2016. …

Chef Snoopy is coming

Weldon Owen must be doing okay with their series of Peanuts cookbooks, because yet another one is one the way. Chef Snoopy Cookbook is aimed at kids, and includes a range of recipes for various meals and snacks. Unlike with at least some of their previous efforts, this time they’re …