Quilty as charged

New releases

QuiltedI finally received the originally-supposed-to-come-in-January Peanuts Quilted Celebrations, a book with CD-ROM of vital files for quilting your own Peanuts materials. It has instructions for 10 different items (with an eleventh on the disk), mostly holiday items with a somewhat odd distribution (two items for St. Patty’s Day, only one for Christmas… well, the author’s name is “Kathleen Shea”, so perhaps a little more interest than average in the Irish celebration is understandable!)

IMG_0794The items are attractive. Working in this fixed medium, they don’t really capture Schulz’s line weight… which is probably why my favorite item in the group is the one done as a silhouette, a placemat for Halloween.

I’m not a quilter. My dear mother was, but I never tried to learn from her, so I cannot judge the quality of the instructions here. Still, it looks like this 96-page full-color paperback is a good item for those who have overlapping interest in Peanuts and quilting, and I suspect there’s at least a couple of you in my audience!

New releases
A different kind of coffee table book

If you have a coffee table, you should have a “coffee table book”, a large, heavily illustrated color volume that your guests can easily and casually flip through, (Charles M. Schulz: The Art and Life of the Peanuts Creator in 100 Objects is a good choice, of course.) But you …

New releases
Review: Snoopy (Classic Cartoon Character Bios)

The Abdo Kids : Classic Cartoon Character Bios books are blatant stuff-to-fill-school-libraries material. Sturdy hardcovers, lots of pictures, 24 pages, little text – about 250 words. The Snoopy volume uses Snoopy images from just about anywhere: strips (appropriately licensed), animation, photos, The Peanuts Movie publicity materials. And the simple facts it …

Classic finds
A needle-ssly fine present

Being a) an adult and b) not a Christmasian, it makes sense that I’m not given much in the way of Christmas presents. This year’s haul was just two items, both given by Dr. Mrs. The AAUGH Blogger: a Terry’s Chocolate Orange (yum!), and this Peanuts embroidery book from Japan. …