Think of the Future, Charlie Brown
- By : Nat
- Category : Animated Peanuts, Uncategorized

The third unit of the Intermediate Series of the Charlie Brown’s Career Education Program filmstrips is Think of the Future, Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown and his friends discuss how many of the things in the world today weren’t around 100 years ago, listing various things (although Charlie Brown, in trying to list “barbers” and “baseball”, gets it wrong, as Lucy is quick to point out.) Discussions eventually turn to how the world of the future may have jobs that aren’t around today, and that people often change jobs over the course of their lifetime.
Some things of note:
- The art on this one is generally better and more Schulzy than the previous examples that I’ve looked at.
- The filmstrip opens with some gag material taken right from the strip – the Sunday strip where Lucy is working on a dinosaur model, and Linus ends up breaking into an anatomically incorrect version of the song “Dem Bones”. In this case, the part of Linus is played by Charlie Brown.
Dolores, the Latina Peanuts character who was created for this series, is established as coming recently from Mexico City.
- They find excuses to bounce Snoopy out in a fair number of his characters – astronaut, World War I Flying Ace, Chef, Joe Motocross, even the whirlybeagle.