Peanuts Artist’s Edition now orderable


CORRECTED: Previously, this entry said that the art would be reproduced at the original size. That is incorrect; it is being reduced. The error has been removed.

That big “Artist’s Edition” that is reproduces Peanuts original art? It’s now available for preorder.


I always push preordering, and on this, I’m going to push that concept hard. Why? Because this is a very expensive book. List price is $140. Yeah, that’s how much these thing cost; some go for more. And while some such books haven’t even been offered to the book market, this one is going through Amazon, so you can get a discount (as well as their free shipping with Prime.)

By ordering now, you not only lock in the price (as I type this, it’s about $36 off, but Amazon discounts waver like the wind), but if the price goes down any time between now and when the book is released in July, you will get that lower price. If they add, say, 5% to the discount at some point, that’s another $7 that stays in your pocket. Real money. And I’ve seen bigger drops. (Just as an example of this sort of discounting in action: when I preordered the trade paperback collection of The Superior Foes of Spider-Man, a $16.99 list book, it was already discounted at 24% off… but sometime before shipping, it ratcheted up to about 37% percent off, so Amazon only charged me $10.74. A similar percentage drop on this Artist’s edition would save you about $18.)

So go, order now!

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