A plethora of Peanuts kids books coming. Maybe two pelthorae

Simon & Schuster, who for years put out Peanuts kids books (adaptations of animation, original storybooks, and so forth) under their Little Simon imprint, are jumping back on that wagon again, and not in a small way. This time, they’ve been named as the “master licensee” for Peanuts children’s books, says Publisher’s Weekly. This means that the would have control over book licensing, and would be able to sublicense rights. Their push starts in the middle of next year, during the gearing up to the release of the movie next fall. They’ll be launching with at least a dozen titles; I wouldn’t be surprised if this included returning a number of their previous titles to print (and perhaps including the title or two that got announced but never released, and haunted online bookseller catalogs for years.)

As we get closer to the film, I expect we’ll find a few more projects designed to take advantage of its popularity; with luck, they will be things that bring joy to us as fans, and not just Cost Nat Money.

Thanks to AAUGH Blog fan John for pointing this article out; it got by me while I’m on deadline for a project.

Upcoming releases
Destined to blow up

Puffer Jacket Snoopy is a thing… enough of a thing that I’ll be discussing an item that only barely qualifies for this blog (it comes with a book… a tiny book of stickers.) Amazon is now listing for October release a Desktop Inflatable Puffer Jacket Snoopy. It’s one of the …

Upcoming releases
The Return of What’s Necessary

Coming in April is a reissue of Only What’s Necessary, Chip Kidd’s second book on the art of Peanuts, reissued for the 75th anniversary of the strip. (My review of the original 2015 edition is here.) For those keeping track, this is the third cover for this book. Here are the …

Upcoming releases
Covers to coming things

It’s that time when all the computer systems update and suddenly we’re seeing covers t0o some of the books that are rolling down the road toward us. The big one in this batch is probably Snoopy: The Story of My Life, which is the Cartoon Art Museum’s Andrew Farago ghosting …