The last minute is here
- By : Nat
- Category : Uncategorized
I’ve been avoiding doing a lot of “hey, as long as you’re Christmas shopping, here are some things you might like, and by the way, I get a cut of the sales if you follow the link” posts during this shoppingest of all seasons. And, alas, this (and other things) have been showing themselves in the sales being amde and thus income generated by this site, which is a small fraction of what it used to be. So on this, the final day for using Amazon’s 2-day shipping and still getting Christmas Eve delivery (and by the way, that two day delivery is the default of the Amazon Prime program, which I find quite worthwhile myself), I can point out such things as that the Snoopy and Friends Cupcake Kit is in stock, that the big Peanuts Every Sunday is he book that your Peanuts fan friends may not have stretched their budget for, but the color edition of It’s Only A Game is one that most Schulz fans haven’t even seen. I can say that the purchase I recommended to someone else that proved most happy-making is a Roku device to get Netflix, Amazon Video, and plenty of other streaming channels on your TV, and that my daughter is having creative fun with her Crayola Marker Airbrush thingamabob. My wife is enjoying her Egg-Bot, which is sort of a computer plotter that draws on eggs and other round things (Christmas ornaments!), but that can’t be delivered before Christmas… so you can simply give a picture of what has already been ordered (that’s what we’re doing for the kid with the trampoline which has been ordered and arrived… yours can still arrive by Tuesday… but not yet constructed.) Or you can simply give your friends your love, respect, and attention, and that will serve as least as well as any gift that I get a 5% cut off of. Happy holidays to all of you out there.