Racing Peanuts


The latest thing in the Reference Library isn’t a reading item. It’s a car; specifically, a limited edition 1/24 scale model of Tony Stewart’s Great Pumpkin-themed stock car, which he drove in the Sharpie 500 in August, 2002. It’s a combination of one thing I am heavily into – Peanuts, of course – with something I enjoy far more casually, auto racing.

This comes as a gift from someone far more into auto racing than I: my brother, J.J. Gertler, who drove in the local NASCAR races in Virginia for a few years. He and I actually cowrote some licensed NASCAR comics years ago, and recently he did some racing-related consultation for me on a new story I was writing.

What story was that? Well, let’s just say that the title is “Joe Stockcar”. You should see it soon…

Chef Snoopy is coming

Weldon Owen must be doing okay with their series of Peanuts cookbooks, because yet another one is one the way. Chef Snoopy Cookbook is aimed at kids, and includes a range of recipes for various meals and snacks. Unlike with at least some of their previous efforts, this time they’re …

Joe Matt, RIP

Word is going around about the death of cartoonist Joe Matt, of heart attack at his drawing board, at age 60. Best known for hiw blunt autobiographical comic book series Peepshow, his relevance to the Peanuts world is as one of the three alt cartoonists who reworked Peanuts strips to make …

Peanuts Schultz

Alert brother-of-the-blog Dave recently pointed out that the 1946 film Our Hearts Were Growing Up (a sequel to the more-beloved 1942 Our Hearts Were Young and Gay) has William Demarest playing a character named Peanuts Schultz. A little investigation told us why the character had that name which would echo oddly to …