Racing Peanuts


The latest thing in the Reference Library isn’t a reading item. It’s a car; specifically, a limited edition 1/24 scale model of Tony Stewart’s Great Pumpkin-themed stock car, which he drove in the Sharpie 500 in August, 2002. It’s a combination of one thing I am heavily into – Peanuts, of course – with something I enjoy far more casually, auto racing.

This comes as a gift from someone far more into auto racing than I: my brother, J.J. Gertler, who drove in the local NASCAR races in Virginia for a few years. He and I actually cowrote some licensed NASCAR comics years ago, and recently he did some racing-related consultation for me on a new story I was writing.

What story was that? Well, let’s just say that the title is “Joe Stockcar”. You should see it soon…

Addendum to the The Wolf video

Shortly after I posted the video about the comic strip”The Wolf” which suggested ways in which it set the path for “Peanuts”, my pal and co-writer, Schulz Museum curator Benjamin L. Clark, pointed out something I had missed — while “Willie” had offered strips run in a two-tier format before …

Unquote alone

The warning signs about the new book Rediscovering the True Meaning of Christmas with A Charlie Brown Christmas”: Celebrating Christmas with a Charlie Brown Touch starts with the title, and its curious use of a single double-quotation mark. That’s part of the name every time it’s listed, whether on the …

Candidate Snoopy

The promotion of “Snoopy for President” dates back to at least 1961 (possibly earlier, I don’t have great reference on it.) The idea is not limited to US presidential election years, but it does tend to swell then. There was not only merch but newspaper articles on it in 1968. …