For those of you who couldn’t make it to Comic-Con last weekend, someone named Padma Bella recorded and posted a couple sections of the Snoopy panel discussion. The talk is being moderated by Damian Holbrook of TV Guide; the panelists are (from left to right) Lex Feaardo (whose duties at Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates include editing the Peanuts comic book), Paige Braddock (Creative Director at Creative Associates), Nat Gertler (AAUGH Blogger and babe magnet), and Gary Groth (publisher at Fantagraphics, the folks who put out The Complete Peanuts and other Peanutsy collections). These two segments make up perhaps a fifth of the total discussion. The sound quality is not ideal, but it’s a lot cheaper to watch than flying out to San Diego and getting a hotel room for convention weekend!
(Those of you getting the AAUGH Blog via email should click through on the title of this post to go to the blog itself, for the videos to show up.)