Finally easily available!
- By : Nat
- Category : Now shipping

Last year, I mentioned that with my publisher hat on, I had two books of Schulz cartoons out that you couldn’t order through Amazon or anywhere else easily, because of contractual provisions. However, examining the contracts, I now realize that I can release them under a different provision… so now these books are available. These books are rare on the ground; so far, I’ve not sold more than a couple dozen copies apiece.. They’ll get less rare if people order them, I suppose, but as they are print-on-demand, it’s not like there’s some big pile I’ll be dumping on the marketplace… and they’re only going to be available for a few months (my license to sell them runs out before Christmas.)
Before I get too in deep, I should make clear that if you already have Schulz’s Youth (and you should), then you have all of the cartoons that are in these two books (and many more to boot). These are meant as gift books targeted at specific markets, rather than books for the Schulz completists.
God’s Children is a black-and-white collection of cartoons about little kids and the church.
(click to enlarge)
64 pages, 6″x6″ black and white on cream paper, $6.99.
The Zipper on My Bible is Stuck is a full color – really, a gaudily colored – book of cartoons about teens and the Bible.
64 pages, 5.5″x8.5″, full color, $9.99
At the moment, Amazon has them both discounted slightly, and of course they do have the usual Amazon advantages – free shipping for a $25 order, or for any order for Prime members. So if you want them, go get ’em!