a CLOTH edition as in what

Cider Mill Press had befuddled me a bit by their listing of a new edition of Christmas is Together-Time, one of the pics-and-adages books from the 1960s (a la Happiness is a Warm Puppy), which they described various as a “cloth edition” and a “ragbk edition”. Both of those things indicate to me a cloth book, like the ones made to give to babies to alternately read and chew on. But the listing of it being a full 72 pages long made that a dubious proposition; that’d be too big a meal for the most voracious of tots.

It turns out the the cloth they’re talking about is merely a thin  covering on the book’s hard cover; texturally nice, but nothing that does anything fundamentally different to the book. What does make this book different from previous editions of Together-Time is its size; it’s about 10.5″ square, or about double the dimensions of the traditional edition. So this is a nice big book, and with its now-huge words and images, could actually make an interesting display item; prop it up in your office, and leave it open to a different spread each day.

It is available for immediate order.

New releases
A different kind of coffee table book

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