The death notice of the Amazon 4-for-3 deal turns out to have been premature; I’m not sure why the deal wasn’t showing up on the product pages for a while there, but now it is. So if you want to preorder 4 copies of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking and only pay for 3, you can now do it! (And just to be clear, you don’t have to order four of the same book, you could preorder just two copies of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking plus, say, Be Kind and Be Brave and save just four cents less than if you ordered all Christmas Stockings.)
And while I’m mentioning Amazon: I grabbed a good deal today. I sometimes empty my coin jar into one of those Coinstar machines at the supermarket, it can give you the full value of the coins as Amazon credit (if you take cash instead, they ding you close to 10%), and since I do a lot of Amazoning, it works out fine. Well at the moment, if you turn in at least $20 worth of coins, they’ll throw in $5 worth of credit for buying MP3 music as well. Details here… and when you get your Amazon credit, kindly go to and click through on any of the book links there, so that Amazon tips me for your purchase.