Peanuts – Free Comic Book Day edition

If you headed to your comic book shop today for Free Comic Book Day (and if not, why not? I mean, which word in the phrase “free comic book” don’t you like?), then you may have grabbed up the Kaboom!/Boom Studios Free Comic Book Day flip book – half Peanuts, half Adventure Time.

If you didn’t grab it up… well, you probably have this material anyway. The Peanuts half of this was a reprint of issue 0, minus one of the classic Schulz strips that was reprinted there. They even reprinted the section of the Happiness is a Warm Blanket graphic novel that was included in issue 0. (And if you don’t have all this material, you can expect to grab it up in the trade paperback collection coming out in August.)

While I was at the shop, I also grabbed up my copy of issue 4, the final issue of this current Peanuts season (they will be coming back with new issues in the fall). The main story in this one is about Snoopy wrist-wrestling as the Masked Marvel, with sections built around gags from the strip, built up with new story content. This stuff will also be in the trade paperback of course.

(And I also got a lot of other comics. I went to Ralph’s Comics Corner in Ventura, California, which is always quite generous with the Free Comic Book Day freebies, so me and my two young sidekicks left with literally dozens of different free books, everything from Donald Duck to Lady Death, as well as a few other fine issues. If you’ve never been in a comic book store, stop in the next chance you get. There’s a broader range of comics out there than you might think, and while most of them may not be for you, there’s something in there that would be, I bet.)

New releases
A different kind of coffee table book

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